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possible ...gem


The Grand Egyptian Museum(GEM) is the world's largest museum dedicated to a single civilization. The collection consisting of King Tut's tomb and tens of thousands of other rare and unique archaeological finds has found a new home in a museum built on the plateau of the pyramids of Giza. This highly complex and difficult-to-construct building bears the signature of BESIX and Orascom and is expected to become a centre for culture and education, encouraging enthusiasm about Egypt's hystory.

GEM's Facts

When it is completed, the Grand Egyptian Museum just outside of Cairo on the Giza Plateau (and next door to the Pyramids) will not only be the new crown jewel of Egypt, but it will also be one of the largest, most modern, and most renowned museums in the entire world.


gem's Historic Timeline

From the laying of the corner stone to the awarding of design contracts to the outbreak of the Arab Spring to dips in tourism causing financial woes to the near completion of the project today, learn more about the journey of the GEM from concept to architectural masterpiece.



For truly helpful information, insight, tips, recommendations, reviews, and advice to tourists on traveling to and around Egypt from an independent but highly experienced perspective, check EgyptTravelBlog


who am i

Hi, I'm egyptian software engineer who love Egyptology, i have created this site to spread knowledge and news about the greatest event that will happen 2023 in Egypt, this site not only for the Grand Egyption Museum but also to expand the services network of the egyptian tourism... if you would like to collaboarte please contact me.



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